To answer that, ask yourself who benefits from the use of these (minerals, Vitamin D and low blood sugar)? The general public could, but the general public is not trying to make a buck treating sick people.
Would the pharmaceutical companies benefit from minerals, vitamins? Nope.
Would the junk food
industry who wants to sell you lots of their sugar saturated junk? Nope.
Would your doctor
benefit by taking an hour to tell you all about selenium, iodine, magnesium,
Vitamin D and keeping blood sugar low?
How about the
oncologist who makes a living once you HAVE cancer? Nope.
There is no one who
benefits from pushing this information—not even me who has spent the better
part of six weeks finding out all this information and talking about it? Nope.
Except my own wellness has benefited.
For not only are these cancer prevention but they are disease prevention
as well. And cure.
So today, a short
blog and I leave you with this Amazon review for the book “Megans’s Cure” which
is a book about a cure for cancer. And
when you finish, ask yourself, “How sick is that?”
an Amazon
review of a kindle book, Megans cure
”Several decades ago, one of my college professors told my class
that the world cannot afford to find a cure for cancer. It would undermine not
just the US economy but the entire world economy. He went on to discuss things
such as how many people are employed because of cancer... doctors, nurses,
technicians, hospital personnel (even the maids, cafeteria workers and
admission clerks), insurance company personnel, pharmacists (and their clerks,
buyers, warehouse and delivery people), drug company personnel, researchers,
grant writers and other research fund-seekers, workers in hotels, taxis and
airlines who deliver loved ones to where they need to be and all the people who
design, build, lease/sell and maintain the health facilities, just to name a
few. If there were no cancer, he told us, a huge percentage of our workforce
would be unemployed. And don't forget the loss in tax revenue from all of these
people and companies who are no longer earning taxable money. I didn't know if
I believed him then. But years later I still mull over the premise and have to
confess that I have, indeed, come to believe him.”
I do too.
I do too, although I doubt most health professionals realize they are caught in a system of what's become free market fundamentalism and unregulated capitalism.