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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

 We've been through a pandemic.  We've seen Big Pharma (with the blessings of government) take over the country.  We've seen censorship of opinion and even facts.  Both pretty much as un-American as it gets.  Doctors have been treated badly if they did not stick to the script--or god forbid, wanted to try non pharmaceutical treatments.  Or repurposed drugs.  Nearly everyone who was vaccinated got covid anyway.  How safe it is, is still being argued.  

I wrote a book that I am actually updating at this time for a second edition and hope to get it published soon.  It's full of basic health and wellness information most of which gets overlooked or denigrated by the powers that be,  We owe it to ourselves to get better information and question authority.  America is not getting healthier and it's getting more expensive for the national and personal economies.  We have the power to change that.  I'd love to discuss these issues with readers!  I can be reached at

Friday, February 17, 2023

 Since that last post about seven years ago, a lot has occurred.   On the topic of staying healthy and aging well, all the things I learned over the last few decades gradually coalesced into a cohesive theory that now show up in the first edition of my book, "Better Body, Better Brain, More Zing:  What to do about inflammation and other treachery to wellness."  

Then we had a pandemic.  Before I even got that book to a publisher, this thing called Covid-19 interfered with life.  I am working on the second edition of the book.  Meanwhile, the first edition pdf of the book is free to anyone who sends me an email asking for it.  The only thing I ask is a report back on how it improved anything for you!.  I can be reached at  While I will consider consulting with individuals, I think the book is sufficient to itself to make a huge difference for anyone who looks closely.  My philosophy is that the information is public, just not promoted much and I am simply a translator of big scientific words and complex concepts.  You still have to do the work!  Maybe if we all felt better, humans would be kinder to each other!

Best Wishes,
