As I have researched inflammation, and what it means for
myself, my friends and family, I can tell you what frightens me the most. It is the effect of chronic inflammation on
the health and function of my mind.
Having watched my own mother and others lose cognitive ability, I am
most certain that isn’t what I want for myself.
An inflammed brain cannot stay sharp.
It cannot remember well. It
cannot serve us well. But that’s not
normal aging, it is pathology.
How do you reduce inflammation? There are lots of things that help, but the
biggest inflammatory factor in your body is the level of blood sugar and
insulin. They are an overwhelming
cause of it. Protein and fat do not
increase blood sugar or spike insulin.
Only carbohydrates do. Fewer are
better for you, especially the high density things like sugars and grains. The longer you have abused that system, the harder it is to get it working right again.
Next thing that reduces inflammation is to eliminate
vegetable oils. The healthy balance of
Omega 3 oils (mostly animal fats) and Omega 6 oils (mostly vegetable sources)
should be 50/50. They do opposite things
so an even balance keeps you right where mother nature intended. For 40 years or more we were told saturated
fat was deadly so they squeezed grass seeds to process out some oil and
marketed rigorously. Read labels. Soy oil is in way too many packaged goods. Too much Omega 6 is inflammatory.
Next is to eliminate the deficiencies. Chances are very high that you are deficient
in many minerals because almost everybody is.
Almost everyone is low in Vitamin D.
I blogged about these earlier this year.
Next, there are a variety of things that can tweak the
process of eliminating inflammation, if the above steps do not do it for you--that depends on your individuality and lifestyle. But the above are the ones to try first. They are inexpensive, very effective, and have
no bad side effects—only good ones. Yes, turmeric is anti-inflammatory, but if
your blood sugar and insulin are high, turmeric’s benefit will be swamped and a waste of money.
Get the test. While
you’re getting that one (CRP) ask for fasting insulin. Not fasting glucose. Insulin should be 5 or below, lower is
better. Holler if you’d like help on
any of this sort of nutritional approach to aging without brain fog, pain and
So back to the question in the title…what do you think
inflammation is doing in your body? I
think it is damaging you somewhere, shortening your life and increasing
potential misery. It’s keeping your body
from being able to heal itself like it was intended.